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Prenatal Massage (One Hour), 90 Minute Therapeutic Massage change

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  • One Hour Therapeutic Massage $80
     Whether it's pain relief, pure relaxation, body awareness or all of the above, your massage is tailored to what you need that particular day. Everybody is different, so I am dedicated to making sure your treatment gets you the best results every time.
  • Half Hour Therapeutic Massage $50
    This option is to provide targeted relief to a problematic area. If you feel pain and knots coming on, this is a great way to make sure you get these tension patterns addressed before they become disruptive to your life. This can be useful for treating headaches or neck pain for example. Not intended for a full body treatment.
  • Plantar Fasciitis Treatment (30 min.) $50
    You don't have to suffer the pain of plantar fasciitis anymore! Imagine stepping out of bed in the morning without that sharp pain in your feet! I massage the feet and lower legs using Deep Tissue and Myofascial Release Massage Therapy techniques. Your feet will thank you!
    ( Can also be added into a 90 or 60 minute massage session, which can be helpful if the tension is stemming from or effecting the hips and legs )
  • ~ Please note I have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Thank you!
Therapist: Tanja Peralta BCTMB